This is the second installment of research relating to digital equity and arts communities. The research discusses the potential role of media and digital arts in the fight toward digital equity, compares barriers to digital participation with arts participation, and explores the role of libraries as critical players in combatting digital inequity.
In the News: April 2023
Technologies like artificial intelligence and NFTs continue to break into new industries this April. The United States government licensed ChatGPT, dancers paired with robots, and music industry leaders have been taking a stand on AI-made music. We are in the midst of figuring out where these technologies fit into our lives, and how they will change our industries. Feelings of uneasiness continue. The following stories illustrate a variety of viewpoints on the ways in which technology has been integrated into new and unique settings as of late.
Jazz Artists and the Business of Music: Digital Collaborations and Live Streaming
Throughout history, jazz has been on the cutting edge of social and cultural change. It has always represented a means of freedom and self-expression in both the brightest and darkest of times. Jazz artists have historically pushed the boundaries of their own genre, as well as others. How does the genre continue to transform in the digital age?
In the News: March 2023
From rising STEAM programs to the emphasis on AI in popular culture, the interplay of art and technology allows for new visions to be imagined, new heights to be reached, and new stories to be told. This month, we’re highlighting some of the ways in which technology and art interweave to redefine the very definition of creativity.
Digital Inequity's Impact on Arts Participation Pt. I
how does digital inequity impact the arts sector and how might the arts sector respond to the digital inequities in their communities? This research was compiled under the belief that the arts can have a role in combatting issues of equity and inclusion outside the field of arts and culture. The arts’ role in the broader public sphere can improve the lives of all members of a community. The hope for this research is to begin to understand how that can begin to take shape to address digital inequity.
In the News: February 2023
2023 Digital Fundraising Trends in the Performing Arts
Organizations’ marketing strategies and missions themselves may need to be reexamined to determine whether or not they align with the next generation of donors. There are a number of practices that organizations can start to embrace in order to expand their mission to a more diverse population while not running the risk of alienating their current support base.
In the News: January 2023
Bridging the Digital Divide: Arts and Digital Placemaking
In the News: December 2022
In the News: November 2022
The Connection of Digital Placemaking and Inequity
Through a narrative-focused approach to digital placemaking, users gain an understanding of the environment they inhabit and perhaps a sense of “home.” However, A true collective experience cannot take place when certain populations lack the access and/or ability to participate in events, particularly in a digital space. Digital inequity has been entrenched as a significant barrier to education, employment, healthcare, and commerce in the 21st century.
In the News: October 2022
As issues surrounding AI and NFTs continue to come to light, conversations about ethical uses of technology become more complex. This month, we are taking a look at stories that address the issues of data privacy in AI technology, the ongoing legal battlefield of NFTs, and digital strategies in theatre.
In the News: September 2022
In the past month, AI has been dominating arts news. As its role as a collaborator and partner in visual art projects grows in popularity, many question its ethics and even object to its use in the arts entirely. There’s no doubt of its benefit in certain contexts. For instance, in the area of cultural preservation projects, which may take humans much longer if unassisted by the technology. But, understandably so, there also seems to be a looming fear in the artist community that it will displace human artists. Many object to even calling AI-generated or AI-assisted art “art.” While the future is uncertain concerning the legality and ownership of such “artwork,” these conversations are important to have. And it is vital to stay informed on the various issues involving AI in art, both good and bad, to see how the law adapts.
The Arts Education for All Act: A Catalyst for STEAM Education
The demand for STEM practitioners is growing in tandem with the demand for workers who are equipped to think about their social and ethical aspects. The intrinsic values of the arts, such as empathy, community, and imagination, combined with the logic of the STEM model, create a more well-rounded experience for youth. Agnes Chaves, a new media artist and founder of STEMarts Lab, advocates for the idea that STEAM education practices allow students to understand the ethics behind new technologies and their impact on nature and humanity when approaching a problem. Particularly for larger societal problems such as digital inequity, it’s crucial that students perceive themselves as caretakers of the planet and global citizens.
TBT: Art and AI
In late August, Jason Allen's AI-generated artwork "Théâtre D'opéra Spatial" took first place in the digital category at the Colorado State Fair. One critic called it "the death of artistry." But others, like Shelly Palmer, say if he crossed a line, "we’ve been walking up to the edge for decades." Allen himself believes AI-generated art will eventually become its own category.
Today, we're looking back at some of the ways AI has been incorporated into the visual arts realm.