music industry — Current — AMT Lab @ CMU

music industry

June News: Artists Take a Stand on AI

June News: Artists Take a Stand on AI

This month, it’s hard to find a headline that doesn’t mention “AI.” For artists and arts managers, it can now be integrated in every aspect of our work - from creation, to promotion, and general administration. Even your iPhone may soon have AI features integrating messages, calendar, photos, and other personal content. In both music and visual spaces, artists are finding ways to push back on unethical use – while some take legal action, others call for change through the spaces they share their work.

In the News: April 2023

In the News: April 2023

Technologies like artificial intelligence and NFTs continue to break into new industries this April. The United States government licensed ChatGPT, dancers paired with robots, and music industry leaders have been taking a stand on AI-made music. We are in the midst of figuring out where these technologies fit into our lives, and how they will change our industries. Feelings of uneasiness continue. The following stories illustrate a variety of viewpoints on the ways in which technology has been integrated into new and unique settings as of late.

In the News: October 2022

In the News: October 2022

As issues surrounding AI and NFTs continue to come to light, conversations about ethical uses of technology become more complex. This month, we are taking a look at stories that address the issues of data privacy in AI technology, the ongoing legal battlefield of NFTs, and digital strategies in theatre.