digital fundraising — Current — AMT Lab @ CMU

digital fundraising

Using Venmo for Non-Profit Fundraising

Using Venmo for Non-Profit Fundraising

Fundraising is the lifeblood of any non-profit organization. Not only is it the primary way to raise money for your organization’s cause, but it also keeps your organization running day-to-day to work on sustaining its mission. Your nonprofit should always be looking for new donation tools as part of your digital strategy. Non-profit fundraising has been made easier than ever before with the creation of technology and apps, such as Venmo

2023 Digital Fundraising Trends in the Performing Arts

2023 Digital Fundraising Trends in the Performing Arts

Organizations’ marketing strategies and missions themselves may need to be reexamined to determine whether or not they align with the next generation of donors. There are a number of practices that organizations can start to embrace in order to expand their mission to a more diverse population while not running the risk of alienating their current support base.

The Final Frontier: Fundraising in a Virtual Space

The Final Frontier: Fundraising in a Virtual Space

Fundraising is a vital part of a nonprofit’s ability to achieve its mission. Cultivating relationships with individuals and institutions in this way can help an organization gain economic support, as well as important relationships and visibility. In order to create and maintain these relationships in development departments, organizations need to meet potential partners where they are and inspire them through their mission and projects. Today, and in the near future, these potential donors may likely be in a virtual space, specifically augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR).

Predictive Modeling for Smarter Fundraising

Predictive Modeling for Smarter Fundraising

Nonprofit fundraisers are continually searching for efficient systems to discover, approach, solicit, and measure support from prospects. The market for fundraising software is over-saturated with business management technology that is constantly evolving. An increasingly prevalent trend in startup software is the integration of artificial intelligence technology, which has become more popular today thanks to greater access to data volumes, sophisticated algorithms, and improvements in computing power. The technology, if truly effective with the right organization’s data, harnesses the potential to shape how we prioritize our time with donors.

Digital Providers for Matching Gifts and Volunteer Matching

Digital Providers for Matching Gifts and Volunteer Matching

Fundraisers take note: it is estimated that four to seven billion dollars a year goes unmatched by nonprofit organizations. Eighteen million people around the globe have access to a matching gift program, and it’s been surveyed that one in every three people who donate would actually be willing to donate more if they knew their donation could be matched in the first place. Matching gift programs and volunteer grant programs are more inclusive of corporate employees because the causes that they feel personally motivated to donate to or volunteer with are recognized and rewarded by their employers. The digital marketplace for these opportunities is growing making it easier for nonprofits to find their match.

A Look at the Intersection of CRM Systems and Digital Giving in the Arts Fundraising Landscape

A Look at the Intersection of CRM Systems and Digital Giving in the Arts Fundraising Landscape

Customer relationship management (CRM) systems are integral to any arts organization. They allow for the organization to collect data on their patrons in order to create better relationships with them. However, the current pandemic has shown some areas for improvement, specifically in terms of current technology’s relevance. One such area is the intersection of CRM systems and digital giving. Up-to-date and easy-to-use technology can put an organization ahead, but it is going to take a dedicated strategy to ensure progress.

Decentralized Patronage: Incentivizing Ethical and Effective Philanthropy of Crypto-Assets

Decentralized Patronage: Incentivizing Ethical and Effective Philanthropy of Crypto-Assets

Cryptocurrencies conjure up a variety of images. To some, they are shadowy currencies, born of vice and crawling out of the corners of the dark web to sew anarchy into the traditional financial system. To others, they are harbingers of a new wave of financial tools better suited to the digital age. This report analyzes the pathways, promises, and potential problems of crypto-assets within fundraising.

Emerging Digital Fundraising Pathways: Survey Results & Recommendations, Part 5 of 5

Emerging Digital Fundraising Pathways: Survey Results & Recommendations, Part 5 of 5

As we conclude our series on Emerging Technologies for fundraising, we are excited for the opportunities facing the arts sector. As noted in early parts, digital giving is growing at a faster rate than individual giving overall, thus it is critical for fundraising professionals to develop or continue to engage in new digital pathways. The findings and recommendations from the national survey are below with our full report available here or for download in the publications section linked above and organized by content category.

Digital Fundraising with Text Messaging, Part 2 of 5

Digital Fundraising with Text Messaging, Part 2 of 5

According to the 2018 Global NGO Technology Report, over "15% of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) worldwide regularly send text messages to donors and supporters." In addition, "43% of those NGOs use a Text To Give service for SMS fundraising." These trends continue in the United States, with the mGive Foundation's 2015 Text Donation Study finding "that for 46% of donors, giving via text is a preferred method." The most popular SMS campaigns tend to favor urgent crises, with over 65% of donors giving via text supporting disaster relief organizations, followed by health institutions and human services organizations. This particular study also referenced a "Giving Gap" where people who responded that they strongly favored using text as a method of donation rarely followed through with that wish. This led mGive to conclude that "it is likely that many donors are not being given ample opportunity to make text donations."

Given this evidence, there is a want from donors for text-based giving that is not being fulfilled. Here’s how your organization can learn to meet this demand.

Emerging Technology for Fundraising: Part 1 of 5

Emerging Technology for Fundraising: Part 1 of 5

Fundraising is a critical component of almost every nonprofit arts enterprise.  This spring, the Arts Management and Technology Lab commissioned a national benchmarking analysis and survey of arts organizations on four emerging digital fundraising pathways:  Text message / SMS giving, peer-to-peer portals, Facebook nonprofit tools, and mobile auction apps.   The following kicks off a 5 part series that highlights the findings.  This article offers specific statistics on fundraising with subsequent pieces providing details on the individual pathways and a summary of the national survey's findings.