algorithms — Current — AMT Lab @ CMU


2022 Top 10 Articles

2022 Top 10 Articles

Every year we review our analytics to highlight what you, our readers, have found the most compelling. In 12 short months, we have witnessed waves of new technology erupt onto the marketplace, like OpenAI’s Dall-e, and others tumble into chaos, most notably cryptocurrency. The top 10 show how YOU have followed the change.

Predictive Modeling for Smarter Fundraising

Predictive Modeling for Smarter Fundraising

Nonprofit fundraisers are continually searching for efficient systems to discover, approach, solicit, and measure support from prospects. The market for fundraising software is over-saturated with business management technology that is constantly evolving. An increasingly prevalent trend in startup software is the integration of artificial intelligence technology, which has become more popular today thanks to greater access to data volumes, sophisticated algorithms, and improvements in computing power. The technology, if truly effective with the right organization’s data, harnesses the potential to shape how we prioritize our time with donors.

The Necessary Diversification of Pervasive Recommendation Algorithms

The Necessary Diversification of Pervasive Recommendation Algorithms

Artificial intelligence in the arts is growing increasingly more complex. It is 2022, and robots are co-creating art, NFTs are celebrating and confusing art consumers around the world, and at least 85% of Americans have smartphones that give immediate access to endless amounts of streaming content. However, AI has flaws. This article covers the recommendation algorithms built to support content delivery for this majority, their cultural implications, and bias control.

Spotify's Algorithm: Helping or Hurting Musicians?

Spotify's Algorithm: Helping or Hurting Musicians?

The year is 1870, 7 years before the invention of the phonograph by Thomas Edison. As a musical artist, if you wanted to distribute your content to an audience, you did so through sheet music, either painstakingly copied by hand, or if you were lucky, replicated on some kind of a printing press. Music distribution has come a long way since then. Artists can upload music to platforms like TikTok or YouTube with the click of a button. But how has this changed the industry?

The most prolific way that people engaged with music in 2020 was streaming platforms, of which, Spotify continues to be the most popular. Even though it’s easier than ever for artists to upload content to a large audience, the question remains, are personalization algorithms and streaming services through Spotify harming or helping musical artists?

Streaming Service Algorithms are Biased, Directly Affecting Content Development

Streaming Service Algorithms are Biased, Directly Affecting Content Development

Despite the Covid-19 pandemic, 2020 was a big year for the entertainment industry. Many entertainment corporations reevaluated their approach to content distribution and accessibility for viewers. It is increasingly clear that streaming services will continue to exert evolutionary change on the entertainment industry. Regardless of the questions and problems posed about the algorithms used by streaming services, Netflix and other dominant platforms will continue to use them – and continue to work on optimizing the algorithm to eliminate at least the most egregious biases. It is up to the industry to hold itself accountable and ensure that the sanctity of the art of TV and film over the algorithm-based entertainment world.