music streaming — Current — AMT Lab @ CMU

music streaming

Three Platforms of Value for Independent Artists

Three Platforms of Value for Independent Artists

Indie artists have been traditionally excluded from major labels due to their obscurity and improbability of generating revenue, causing difficulty in creating a career. Nowadays, however, independent artists have more power and capacity to survive, even thrive, without the help of a major label. The advent of the internet, streaming, and social media, as well as legislation regulating for rights of independent recording artists, have pivoted the music industry in the 21st century.

Spotify's Algorithm: Helping or Hurting Musicians?

Spotify's Algorithm: Helping or Hurting Musicians?

The year is 1870, 7 years before the invention of the phonograph by Thomas Edison. As a musical artist, if you wanted to distribute your content to an audience, you did so through sheet music, either painstakingly copied by hand, or if you were lucky, replicated on some kind of a printing press. Music distribution has come a long way since then. Artists can upload music to platforms like TikTok or YouTube with the click of a button. But how has this changed the industry?

The most prolific way that people engaged with music in 2020 was streaming platforms, of which, Spotify continues to be the most popular. Even though it’s easier than ever for artists to upload content to a large audience, the question remains, are personalization algorithms and streaming services through Spotify harming or helping musical artists?

2021 Top 10 Most-Read Articles

2021 Top 10 Most-Read Articles

As we welcome 2022 for myriad reasons, be sure to catch up on what you missed in 2021 by reading out top 10 most read articles. Surprisingly (or not), while the last year continued to show interest in covid’s impact on technology and work, our readers were curious about a broad set of content — from NFTs to using technology to track dance. Which of these articles did you read, or miss?

Future Trends of Music Streaming Services: Part 2

Future Trends of Music Streaming Services: Part 2

The music industry faces both challenges and opportunities due to streaming technologies and must consider the long-term viability of streaming business models. New challenges emerge as consumers are listening to their music on ever-changing devices, like smart speakers. There are also varying levels of awareness and comfort of streaming platforms among different age groups. These challenges can become opportunities for businesses who understand their market and can anticipate future change. This research study explores innovations and trends expected to emerge next within the music distribution world.