Opera — Current — AMT Lab @ CMU


Chasing Waterfalls: An Early Case Where AI Writes and Performs in an Opera

Chasing Waterfalls: An Early Case Where AI Writes and Performs in an Opera

The following case study analyzes an opera, Chasing Waterfalls. The opera, which premiered in Dresden, Germany on September 3, 2022, challenged traditional opera expectations by bringing a different way to integrate technology into the opera space. Chasing Waterfalls utilizes Artificial Intelligence (AI) software to write, compose, and perform its own aria live within the show.

Meeting Audiences Where They Are: The Data Behind Streaming Classical Music

Meeting Audiences Where They Are: The Data Behind Streaming Classical Music

As streaming becomes the most popular method of consuming music, orchestras and opera companies have an additional method of distributing their content. Which organizations are currently taking advantage of streaming and how are they using it? This raw data set helps answer those questions.

Photo source: http://www.violinist.com/blog/laurie/201611/20869/

National Ticketing Survey Participation Period Extended!

National Ticketing Survey Participation Period Extended!

Already your responses are providing valuable insight. AMT Lab has extended the 2015 National Ticketing Software Satisfaction Survey period through March 7, 2015. Collecting information on the attitudes and behaviors of arts organizations currently using ticketing software, the 2015 National Ticketing Survey will help illustrate the met and unmet ticketing needs of art organizations, and capture how ticketing software uses and needs vary by an organization's discipline, budget, staff size, and geographic location. Clear here for the full announcement.