Part one of this research looked at the relationship between broadband deployment and arts vibrancy in the United States, focusing on Texas. This article examines factors that are driving the digital divide and relatively low arts vibrancy in two counties on the Texas-Mexico border and how that could inform policies in the United States as a whole.
Comparing Digital Access with Arts Vibrancy in the U.S.
An estimated 18 million households in the United States do not have access to home broadband. This is a statistic that arts managers should consider when planning online programming and in-person events as the world opens up. By looking closer at the digital divide and comparing counties’ internet access to their arts vibrancy, as measured by SMU DataArts, this article will look at the United States’ digital divide and how it impacts opportunities for arts participation.
Throwback Thursday: Reimagining the Museum Experience
AMT Lab in 2020: Our Top Posts and Podcasts of the Year
Now that 2020 is in the rearview mirror, we’re looking back at the posts that were most popular with our readers. Featured topics included music streaming, entertainment trends, and management tools for the arts sector. On the podcast side, our most popular episodes reflected the national trends: the need for racial equity and the effects of Covid-19 on the arts sector.
Cybersecurity Solutions for Remote Work in the New Year
Cybersecurity has been on more people’s radars because of the recently exposed SolarWinds cyberattack, which impacted customers including the United States government. In this particular case, the breach was able to go undetected for months, indicating that even institutions with the highest levels of security can fall victim. As we begin the new year, arts organizations face a timely opportunity to consider their cybersecurity measures for remote work.
Letter from the Editor: 2020 in Words
In the face of challenges and uncertainties, arts organizations were able to adapt in the form of VR operas, drive-in plays, virtual gallery tours, and in many other ways. While it was definitely a difficult year, hopefully we will also remember the strength with which we responded. Here’s to carrying that resilience into the new year and hoping for a less turbulent 2021.
Gifting and Giving for 2020 Holidays
Everything about this year has been different, and that includes how we show our appreciation for the people we love and the organizations we care about around the holiday season. Since in-person holiday gift exchanges aren’t possible, many people will be looking to the internet to send gifts to their loved ones near and far. We have compiled some trending gifts and resources to inspire your holiday gift giving. The end of the year also brings a rise in donations from end-of-year giving. We looked at some expected giving trends for this year and ways you can support artists and arts organizations.
Tech for Enjoying the Holiday Weekend
Happy Thanksgiving weekend from all of us here at AMT Lab! Even if your celebration looked a bit different this year, we hope you were able to relax, connect with those you love, and reflect on the things that you still have to be thankful for in what has been an at times bleak year. Here are some ways technology has helped us celebrate Thanksgiving in new ways and more tech engagement opportunities for the weekend.
Boosting Cybersecurity for Remote Work in the Arts
Remote work generally poses greater security threats to organizations than in-person work since, for example, employees use home networks and access organizational information on personal devices. Even before the Covid-19 pandemic, cybersecurity was becoming a bigger threat for smaller organizations and nonprofits. It may seem fatalistic to ask arts organizations to prepare for the worst cyberattack situation—one that might seem unlikely—but managers should think of cybersecurity as another aspect of making their organization stronger, just like ensuring patrons’ physical safety and protecting the organization’s financial health. Now that the pandemic has forced many aspects of arts organizations’ operations online, managers can use this opportunity to survey their organization’s digital landscape and potentially open the door for more remote work opportunities in normal times.
Throwback Thursday: Blockchain
As innovation using blockchain continues in 2020, we are looking back at all the research our contributors have done around blockchain and its applications in the arts sector, including fundraising, contracts, and auctions. Let AMT Lab know if there are more blockchain topics you would like to see covered or if you are using blockchain or cryptocurrency in novel ways in your organization.
Looking Forward to a New Year with Arts Management & Technology
Welcome to another year with the Arts Management and Technology Laboratory! Despite 2020 looking completely different than any year I’ve experienced, I am excited to take over as Chief Editor of the platform for 2020-2021. Following Lydia Kilian’s tenure as Chief Editor, during which she focused on the applications of technology to music education, blockchain, music streaming and more, I am looking forward to digging into my interests regarding how the arts, technology, and policy intersect (something I touched on as a contributor last year).
Why More Arts Organizations Need Privacy Policies
As the need for website privacy policies grows, how are arts organizations keeping up? From a sample of 100 nonprofit arts organizations across the United States, this article evaluates how many organizations have accessible privacy policies on their website and why that number should be higher—both to show their dedication to protecting patrons’ personal data privacy and to keep up with changing policy requirements.
What Arts Nonprofits Should Know About Data Privacy and Security
In a survey of 467 nonprofit professionals, EveryAction and Nonprofit Hub found that 90% of nonprofits are collecting data, but that 49% of surveyed nonprofit professionals did not know how it was collected. While data clearly plays a large role in nonprofit arts organizations’ operations, few have concrete policies and procedures that guide its collection and use. In the context of changing policies about data privacy and increased risk of cyberattacks, this is a dangerous place for nonprofit arts organizations to be in. This article will summarize considerations in areas pertinent to these organizations.