artistic programming — Current — AMT Lab @ CMU

artistic programming

How Technology Can Support Artistic Collaborations

How Technology Can Support Artistic Collaborations

As technology continues to shrink the world we live in by bridging communities across the globe, collaborations between artists separated by space are becoming more common. In this white paper, AMT Lab contributor Nora Fleury looks at the ways new technologies are influencing this increased collaboration. With a specific focus on team communication applications and cloud-based document sharing systems, this is a useful resource for managers struggling to foster communication between artists separated by geography. Click here for the full report. 

So You've Got Some Data...Now What?

So You've Got Some Data...Now What?

We seem to hear it everywhere we go, at conferences, from consultants, and in myriad publications: to run arts organizations more effectively, arts managers need to adopt data-driven business models. An increasing number of data collection tools are emerging on the market with capabilities and price points that have the potential to meet the needs of arts nonprofits, from CRM systems like to social media management software like Buffer. But once you’ve collected some data, how do you use it? Be it information about your patrons, regional demographics, or marketing trends, how can arts organizations take advantage of incoming data?

Technology and Immersive Audience Engagement: Part I of II

Technology and Immersive Audience Engagement: Part I of II

Last week's Theatre Communications Group conference presented a changing perspective on audience engagement that uses technology.  Tweet Seats are definitely on the outs.  This 2 post series, however, focuses on the more immersive experience with two organization's successfully engaging their audiences.  Their audiences must engage in some if not multiple forms of technology to partake in the theatrical story itself.  The two organizations are Dog and Pony DC  based in Washington DC and Rude Mechanicals based in Austin.  Both use technology before, during and after the show. Dog and Pony DC's company member, Colin K. Bills, presented as part of a panel led by David J. Loehr of twitter handle @2amt (and

The Pew Research Center's Report on Arts and Technology

The Pew Research Center's Report on Arts and Technology

The Pew Research Center recently did a survey and report about how various arts organizations use technology including the internet, social media, and mobile technology.  The report confirms that the arts are adapting to the overwhelming saturation of technology, particularly the internet and social media, and are venturing into deeper levels of engagement such as blogs, podcasts, and educational content.