Accessibility — Current — AMT Lab @ CMU


Hot Tips for Enhancing Museum Accessibility 

Hot Tips for Enhancing Museum Accessibility 

Are you considering implementing new programs, technology, or resources to enhance visitor experience for differently abled patrons? If your answer is yes, there are a few key points to remember: respect the community you are serving; ensure the changes are mission oriented; confirm ADA compliance; and install measurable methods of evaluation.

Image Credit: Jil Wright

Increasing Accessibility Through Virtual Reality: A Look at VR’s Therapeutic Potential

Increasing Accessibility Through Virtual Reality: A Look at VR’s Therapeutic Potential

Virtual Reality has helped researchers make significant advancements in treating burn patients, phobias, PTSD, and learning disabilities. As the technology moves into museums, it presents an exciting opportunity for improved accessibility initiatives, potentially allowing visitors with autism and sensory-learning disabilities to enjoy a customizable museum experience in a safe, controlled environment.

Opening Doors: The People Behind Sensory-Friendly Programs

Opening Doors: The People Behind Sensory-Friendly Programs

One of the most important aspects of successful sensory-friendly programming is the proper training and involvement of staff, volunteers, and artists. Despite any initial concerns or nerves about the uncertainties with this programming, staff members at every organization I spoke with were eager to get involved. This is the third post in our series on sensory-friendly programming.

Opening Doors: Welcoming New Audiences with Sensory-Friendly Performances

Opening Doors: Welcoming New Audiences with Sensory-Friendly Performances

For many families and individuals, the experience of attending a performing arts program is hindered by physical or developmental challenges. And with 1 in 68 American children on the autism spectrum, by neglecting this significant population, our institutions are failing to serve a large part of their community. Sensory-friendly programming creates a performance environment where the traditional theater rules are relaxed to better accommodate a variety of audience members. This introduction is the first in a series of posts on sensory-friendly programming.