Hello AMT Lab Readers!
Thank you for continuing to read our content and engage with our writers. Our contributors work very hard every year to research emerging technology and best practices in the field. We've had some really fantastic contributors this year that have gone on to present this information to the field through sharing of articles and presenting at conferences from NAMP to Museums and the Web.
AMT Lab will be taking a brief, two week hiatus as our staff shifts over to the incoming chief editor of research, Jenee Iyer. Jenee has contributed to AMT Lab in past years, most notably researching smart cities. AMT Lab will have new posts starting in September, as Jenee takes the reins.
Finally, I wanted to express how much my year as chief editor of research has meant to me. I believe that we were able to bring very substantive articles and topics to our readers. As the chief editor changes hands, I know AMT Lab will continue to find helpful and insightful topics, advancing our field of arts management.
In case you are just checking-in with us for the first time in a while, here are some of the highlights from this past year:
- Kate Tsai brought us four deep articles outlining best practices in accessibility. In particular, she created an infographic outlining the many different types of disabilities that can create a barrier to access between patron and art organization.
- Jon Weber dove into the realm of digital archiving giving us a glimpse at the future with his article on ARTMYN.
- Santiago Martinez started to dive into the impacts of blockchain on the arts.
- Jana Fredericks showed us how the digital sphere is changing historical preservation.
Source: Photo taken by author
Next September will bring a whole new set of articles to keep our readers up-to-date on what's possible for arts management. Please check in again with us then. I know as I transition back into a reader, I will keeping close tabs on the work being produced through this platform!