data privacy legislation — Current — AMT Lab @ CMU

data privacy legislation

Approaches to Data Privacy in Arts Organizations

Approaches to Data Privacy in Arts Organizations

In the current digital economy, privacy is elusive. In fact, much of the Internet as we know it is made up of services and practices that use data as a form of payment, without making that transaction clear. This article explores how individuals and organizations in arts enterprises can maintain better privacy and data protection for themselves and their clients using existing technology and techniques. It begins with a brief background on the state of digital privacy, and then provides into an overview of existing techniques and technologies that could be applied within the arts.

TBT: Education, Gamification, & Public Policy

TBT: Education, Gamification, & Public Policy

Today, AMT Lab is taking a look back on our content about technology and the arts’ roles in education, gamification, and public policy.

The Importance of Nonprofits' Prioritization of Patron Privacy

The Importance of Nonprofits' Prioritization of Patron Privacy

In 2021, TikTok updated its privacy policy which allowed it to collect biometric data on its users, including faceprints and voiceprints. Rather than explicitly informing its users about this change, the app vaguely communicated that they were issuing a “privacy update.” Once people found out what the update entailed, concern rightfully grew. This type of data collection indicates a significant shift from companies collecting behavioral data on their consumers to something much more invasive and without true consent. Only 36% of Americans trust tech companies using facial recognition technology. In general, public trust in Big Tech has been steadily falling in the United States. Regardless, however, most people still click “accept” to the Terms & Conditions on any website without actually knowing what is being agreed to, indicating a disconnect between what US citizens expect from businesses and what is actually being conducted. With a lack of national protection, nonprofit organizations must assume responsibility in protecting personal consumer data and using it ethically.

Digital Privacy and Subversive Art

Digital Privacy and Subversive Art

Having a better understanding of domestic legislation regarding digital privacy, as well as the international landscape as it pertains to these issues, can help in managing art that could be characterized as “seditious” or “radical.” It is important to note that surveillance, from both private and governmental entities, is on the rise as are the possibilities of censorship or unconstitutional oversight.