strategy — Podcasts & Interviews — AMT Lab @ CMU


Thinking Big with Michael Edson

Michael Edson, Associate Director and Head of Digital for the United Nations Live—Museum for Humanity, recently sat down with AMT-Lab Chief Editor Patrick Zakem to talk about his work. Listen here to to hear Michael's views on organizational change, the digital commons, and how new ways of work are influencing the museum space.

Podcast Episode #82 - Tech Tips for Small Arts Organizations

techtipsIn this episode, the Technology in the Arts team discuss 10 tech tips to help small arts organizations maximizing their effectiveness while minimizing the impact on their budgets. Topics include: all things Google, free broadcast email, social media strategy, establishing a mobile presence, using Facebook as your brand, location-based social media platforms, TechSoup Global, and more!

Cool Sites of the Episode:

  • Molly - We Are Media
  • David - VYou
  • Tara - Soundcloud
  • Tom - ArtBabble
  • Amelia - The Producer's Perspective
  • Podcast Episode #80 - Mobile App Development at the Warhol

    Image via In this episode, Thomas talks with the Andy Warhol Museum's Josh Jeffrey, the Web and Digital Media Manager, and Tresa Varner, the Curator of Education, about their new mobile apps and the development process behind them. From augmented reality to silkscreening on the iPhone, no two apps at the Warhol are exactly alike.

    Cool sites of the episode:

    The Andy Warhol Museum - The home of everything Andy Warhol, this Pittsburgh based museum features work by the artist as well as exhibitions of contemporary artists from around the world.

    Brunner Digital - This advertising and software development company worked with the Warhol on many of the apps mentioned in the episode.

    Toura - Focused on tourism and travel industries, this mobile software development company has worked with the Warhol as well as multiple other museums and cultural institutions.

    Podcast Episode #74 - Developing Your Digital Analytics Toolkit

    websiteanalyticschartIn this episode of the Technology in the Arts podcast, Molly Hanse talks with Michael Newberry from the Global Analytics Team at OMD, one of the world's leading companies in media communications, about measuring progress in arts organizations and how to develop your digital analytics toolkit as an arts manager.  Their conversation covers analytic tools for your online communications, choosing which data to analyze, making decisions based on data analysis, determining where to invest in advertising, and more. Cool Sites of the Episode:

    Google Analytics - It's robust.  It's free.  If you aren't addicted to it yet, you should be.  This tool provides you with all of the basic tools you need to determine how well your website is serving your organization.

    Google Insights for Search - Allows you to compare search volume patterns across specific regions, categories, time frames and properties.

    Quantcast - Web analytics experts building powerful statistical technology to understand digital media audiences. Offer free and paid levels of audience analysis.
