web3 — Current — AMT Lab @ CMU


Consumer Habits and Wants in AR, VR and the Metaverse

Consumer Habits and Wants in AR, VR and the Metaverse

Researchers conducted surveys and industry expert interviews to understand current and future consumer demand for AR, VR and Metaverse entertainment options. The survey indicated that consumers were most interested in using AR and VR to enhance experiences in concerts, educational content, and gaming. Respondents also indicated that they were interested in joining the metaverse to participate in social experiences and to attend live music events. The research unveiled generational differences, emerging opportunities, and trends to follow to best meet consumer demands.

Can NFTs Be Used for Social Good?

Can NFTs Be Used for Social Good?

“Social-good communities” in the NFT sphere are created with the intention of creating or uplifting a pre-existing community. Where business communities may arise through the context of the particular NFT collection, social-good communities strive to support a pre-existing (often) marginalized community or global crisis. This article covers the current state of community building and barriers to access through NFT marketplaces, ultimately suggesting the relatively unknown future of the ability of marginalized communities to find space and place in this ever-evolving network. 

Crypto Philanthropy: Opportunities and Considerations

Crypto Philanthropy: Opportunities and Considerations

Cryptocurrency has the potential to and is already beginning to disrupt philanthropy and the ways that nonprofit organizations collect donations. In previous eras, philanthropic innovation was spurred by “new sources of wealth,” as with John D. Rockefeller creating America’s first foundation or Bill and Melinda Gates translating his immense success in the tech revolution into global philanthropic influence in areas of “poverty, disease, and equity.” Similarly the emergence of a new class of “crypto-elite[s]” has the potential to disrupt traditional methods of philanthropy. Now, as blockchain technology and its myriad applications become more mainstream and our society becomes more crypto-curious, nonprofit organizations have an opportunity to adapt by incorporating cryptocurrency and its various tokens into their fundraising strategies.

The Cryptocurrency Crash

The Cryptocurrency Crash

The cryptocurrency market is in turmoil, mirroring both the U.S. stock market and the emotional state of many of its citizens. Though some crypto investors have found astronomical financial success, skeptics have long voiced concerns about the volatility and inherent peril of pursuing such investments. These naysayers have ground to stand on given the instability of Spring 2022, as more than “$700 billion has been wiped out” from the crypto-economy, entire currencies have collapsed, and related companies and market exchanges are scrambling in response to the downturn.