Augmented Reality — Current — AMT Lab @ CMU

Augmented Reality

Consumer Habits and Wants in AR, VR and the Metaverse

Consumer Habits and Wants in AR, VR and the Metaverse

Researchers conducted surveys and industry expert interviews to understand current and future consumer demand for AR, VR and Metaverse entertainment options. The survey indicated that consumers were most interested in using AR and VR to enhance experiences in concerts, educational content, and gaming. Respondents also indicated that they were interested in joining the metaverse to participate in social experiences and to attend live music events. The research unveiled generational differences, emerging opportunities, and trends to follow to best meet consumer demands.

The Intersection of Equity & XR in Museums

The Intersection of Equity & XR in Museums

XR is an exciting venture for museums for a variety of reasons ranging from stretching the limits of exhibition possibilities to expanding access and elevating the transfer of knowledge to an interactive, long-lasting experience. But how can museums thoughtfully incorporate XR into their programming, aligned with the sector’s increasing awareness and incorporation of equity goals?

AR Public Art & Climate Intervention

AR Public Art & Climate Intervention

AR artwork is moving away from dependence on commercial or scientific success and artists have more freedom to create place-based artworks without necessarily having permission or costly materials. As a result, artists are stepping into the AR public art space to tell stories, respond to inequity, and shift behavior for positive social impact.