data driven — Current — AMT Lab @ CMU

data driven

How Can Google Analytics Solve Operational Challenges?

How Can Google Analytics Solve Operational Challenges?

Though often used to analyze traffic and commerce, Google Analytics is a powerful tool whose applications are near-limitless. In this new handbook, AMT Lab contributor Kathleen Grennan illustrates a number of ways in which arts managers of all types can use Google Analytics to make data-driven decisions in operational settings. From obtaining new audiences to bolstering fundraising efforts, this is a good introduction to this flexible tool. Click here to find the full report.

Why Your Arts Organization Should Use Google Analytics

Why Your Arts Organization Should Use Google Analytics

Arts organizations today face a host of challenges, ranging from traditional issues like budgetary constraints and limited staff to more recent concerns, such as shifting patron demographics and increased market disruption caused by the social media frenzy. How can Google Analytics solve these problems, and more? Read Kathleen Grennan's guide here.