Crowdfunding — Current — AMT Lab @ CMU


DAF Punks Part Two: Beyond Simple Giving, A New Model for DAFs

DAF Punks Part Two: Beyond Simple Giving, A New Model for DAFs

With little success in larger-scale government oversight so far, it begs the question: how is the marketplace for DAFs changing and innovating in the response to these singularizing criticisms? Is the market listening and self-correcting as a way to preempt such legislation? Given the broad variety of DAF sponsor organizations, it is evident that the field, while large, is not a monolith and deserves to be measured at its innovative margins. Newer sponsors have revealed themselves to be particularly aware of the controversies yet remain focused on the opportunities these accounts provide and are demonstrating new approaches to DAF sponsorship aimed at greater payout rates and democratization of their platforms.

#TBT: A Guide to Web-Based Fundraising and Philanthropy

#TBT: A Guide to Web-Based Fundraising and Philanthropy

Web 2.0 has changed many aspects of the modern world, and fundraising and philanthropy is no exception. From the tidal wave of tech tycoons committing to the Giving Pledge to the rise of crowdfunding (and a bevy of potential platforms for a crowdfunder to choose from), soliciting essential funds has more avenues than ever--and more potential challenges along with them. This week's throwback rounds up numerous articles that provide time-tested wisdom on how to navigate in the new world of web-based fundraising and philanthropy.

Research Update: Crowd-Funding through Google

Research Update: Crowd-Funding through Google

With the development of crowd-funding programs through companies such as Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and Patreon, artists have many new ways to generate both funding and visibility.  Arts and culture organizations have a harder time competing with individual artists on these platforms.  In an effort to assist these organizations as they try to change the world, Google now offers its own crowd-funding platform for nonprofit organizations: Google’s One Today.

News Summary 11.2013

News Summary 11.2013

Every month, AMTLab publishes a collection of recent news in the field of arts management and technology. Follow the links below to find out what moved the arts and technology world in November 2013. Enjoy!