Current — AMT Lab @ CMU

Daniel Fonner

ReMasterpieces: A Machine Learning Powered Provenance Research Tool

ReMasterpieces is an academic research project created with two goals in mind: first, to recreate missing works of art using computer vision and machine learning and present the works to the original owners and second, to educate and empower people to find the actual missing works of art.

Research Update: Crowd-Funding through Google

Research Update: Crowd-Funding through Google

With the development of crowd-funding programs through companies such as Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and Patreon, artists have many new ways to generate both funding and visibility.  Arts and culture organizations have a harder time competing with individual artists on these platforms.  In an effort to assist these organizations as they try to change the world, Google now offers its own crowd-funding platform for nonprofit organizations: Google’s One Today.

Research Update: Google for Nonprofit Arts

Research Update: Google for Nonprofit Arts

In today’s culture, Google is seen as one of the most innovative technology companies in the world.  From its search engine to the Android operating system, Google has permeated every aspect of our techno-centric lifestyles.  Beyond the scope of their technological accomplishments, Google strives to help nonprofit organizations around the world by providing them with free online tools and access to grant monies.  Follow the development of this research here.