#TBT - Crowdfunding Mania — AMT Lab @ CMU

#TBT - Crowdfunding Mania

This week, we are taking a look back at 3 recent articles and publications by our contributors that surround a hot topic in the arts management world: crowdfunding. 

Product Review - Patreon: Crowdfunding for Creatives: In this article from 2015, Jackie Shimsoni reviews Patreon and what sets it apart from other crowdfunding platforms out there. The platform is still available and currently boasts that it is home to 309,980 creators making a living through their work. 

Four Quick Tips for Launching a Crowdfunding Project: Written by Theo George in 2010, these quick tips still apply to those about to embark on developing campaigns today.

Crowdfunding with Reasonable ROI:  In the fall of 2016, Anna Okuda gave us an update on her crowdfunding research and what kind of return on investment arts organizations can expect to see. Stay tuned for her white paper on this topic in depth in the coming weeks! 

Are you an arts organization that has taken advantage of crowdfunding and have any tips for our readers? Let us know and comment below!