Databases — Current — AMT Lab @ CMU


Hands Off Our Data: Shifting Consumer Attitudes

Hands Off Our Data: Shifting Consumer Attitudes

The collection and analysis of consumer data is a practice that grows more ubiquitous and complex everyday. However, the dangers of mass data collection are self-apparent, and it appears that consumers might be reaching a tipping point when it comes to companies using their personal information. New evidence from the Pew Research Center suggests that growing numbers of consumers are often confused, impatient, and discouraged when it comes to how companies use their data.

The Art of Data Management

The Art of Data Management

This post, originally published on Analysis from TRG Arts, is the second in a series of blog posts sharing success stories and best practices to highlight the benefits of effective data management. Find the first post here.

Data isn’t about numbers. It’s about people. When analyzed, data tells stories about people and their actions. Right now, in your database, a story exists about the decisions that people in your organization make. And, a story exists for every patron, which chronicles their relationship with your organization. 

A Data Management Love Story

A Data Management Love Story

This season at Dallas Theatre Center (DTC), a great love story unfolded; however, it was not presented on the stage. During a recent TRG Executive Summit, Managing Director Heather Kitchen shared a tale of romance which both inspired and invoked a bit of envy from the other participants. It was the story of her data manager and the two departments that loved her.

This post, originally published on Analysis from TRG Arts, is the first in a series by TRG’s VP of Data Services Steve Loyd addressing data management and how it can help organizations. Unchained: Have Nano-Nonprofits Found the CRM of Their Dreams? Unchained: Have Nano-Nonprofits Found the CRM of Their Dreams?

On October 21st, 2013, Fractured Atlas officially ended the beta phase of their cloud-based CRM solution, Over 1,400 organizations participated in this five-year process, characterized by what the Fractured Atlas team called “community-driven design.” Harnessing the collective wisdom of organizations and arts professionals, they took suggestions both online and through a number of sessions, soliciting ideas for features to include in the finished version. 

Research Update: Using Spatial Data to Advance our Programming Missions – Where will I get the data?

Research Update: Using Spatial Data to Advance our Programming Missions – Where will I get the data?

As I continued to research how arts organizations can use spatial data to advance their programming missions, and looked at the volume of data already available, numerous scenarios come to mind. Spatial data can be used to evaluate a traveling exhibition proposal or a public art site, develop a grant-making or educational program, or identify potential partnerships.