
Collaboration in Hybrid Workspaces

Collaboration in Hybrid Workspaces

In this guest-produced episode, Sara Bogomolny and Shun-Sho Carmack dive deep into collaboration. They discuss how UNESCO is attempting to save our intangible cultural heritages through collaboration, the fact that switching to a hybrid work model recontextualizes everyone's relationship to their jobs and co-workers, how to orchestrate an ethical reopening of the workforce, and whether collaborating in remote environments increases the potential for equality in the workplace.

Let's Talk: AI's Future in Music Composition and Super Bowl Viewership

Let's Talk: AI's Future in Music Composition and Super Bowl Viewership

In today’s Let’s Talk, Victoria discusses some possible causes for the declining viewership of the Super Bowl, despite Sunday Night Football viewership remaining steady, before being joined by Shambhavi Mishra to discuss the future of tech in music composition. Topics touch on the innovation inherent in being able to create music from one’s bedroom, how composers are using TikTok to gain a following and respect in the music industry, and what the future of AI looks like in musical composition.

VR Concerts & VR Art: Will the Metaverse Change Our Cultural Experiences?

VR Concerts & VR Art: Will the Metaverse Change Our Cultural Experiences?

In this guest-produced episode, Kopal Srivastava and Morgan Hogenmiller dive deep into virtual reality applications. They discuss the social and cultural applications for VR with Tom Corbett, a CMU faculty member at iDeate Lab, before experiencing the possibilities of VR art and concerts firsthand. After using Soundscape VR and Tilt Brush, Kopal and Morgan discuss the ways VR technology might be used in the future and what changes need to be made in order for immersive experiences in the metaverse to be more comfortable and rewarding.

Jim McCarthy: Theatrical Livestreaming & Hybrid Events

Jim McCarthy: Theatrical Livestreaming & Hybrid Events

In this interview episode, Andrew is joined by Jim McCarthy, the co-founder and CEO of Stellar tickets and Goldstar, to discuss the potential of hybrid, live-streamed, in-person events. The conversation touches on how to increase community via online events, how live-streaming can make tickets to live events more desirable, and the future potential for arts creators given live-streamed, hybrid events.

Let's Talk: Streaming Wars, Big Tech, & Data Collection

Let's Talk: Streaming Wars, Big Tech, & Data Collection

Victoria is joined by AMT Lab contributors, Ethan Jones and Elizabeth Forrey, to discuss best practices around data collection. Topics touch on streaming services data transparency (or lack thereof), how big tech companies use your data, how arts organizations can use data collection to their advantage, and whether or not it's actually prudent to do so.

Broadway Marketing and Audience Engagement with Quincy Brown

Broadway Marketing and Audience Engagement with Quincy Brown

Victoria is joined by Quincy Brown, a Social Media Associate at RPM, a full-service advertising agency for several Broadway musicals, to discuss marketing for theater and arts organizations. Conversations touched on how to usher the audience back to the arts post-covid, the viability of live streaming for the arts, the best social media platforms to grow engagement, and how to foster a sense of community through digital marketing.

Let's Talk: Sustainability in the Entertainment Industry

Let's Talk: Sustainability in the Entertainment Industry

Victoria is joined by AMT Lab contributor Georgia Calawerts, to discuss the environmental footprint of the film industry and the steps entertainment companies can take to decrease their carbon footprint. Conversations touch on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), carbon offsetting versus net-zero emissions, the environmental impact of a single episode of television, what some companies are doing to counteract their effect on the environment, and what others can learn from these efforts.

The Future Role of Tech in the Administration and Curation of Museum Spaces

The Future Role of Tech in the Administration and Curation of Museum Spaces

Victoria is joined by Dr. Heng Wu, Curator of Asian art at the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria and Nick Pozek, Assistant Director at the Parker School of Foreign and Comparative Law at Columbia University to talk about the place of technology in the administrative and curatorial roles of art museums. Conversations touch on what it is like to work from home in a position that has a more physical necessity in the museum space, the place for virtual museum experiences post-covid and other pandemic-related challenges, as well as the more prominent entrance of edutainment in the artistic sphere.

Let's Talk: Twitch's Breach, Facebook & the Metaverse, and Their Implications on Arts Organizations

Let's Talk: Twitch's Breach, Facebook & the Metaverse, and Their Implications on Arts Organizations

On this month's Let’s Talk, Victoria and Andrew dive into the Twitch security breach and the privacy implications of Facebook attempting to build out the metaverse (a 3D virtual space where people interact with each other as avatars in a real-world space) when it seems they, and other Big Tech companies, have little concern with people’s private information. The two take some time to discuss the importance of these events for arts organizations.

Karina Bharne: Orchestras in the Age of Covid, Technology, and True Commitment to DEAI

Karina Bharne: Orchestras in the Age of Covid, Technology, and True Commitment to DEAI

In this episode, Victoria and Liz are joined by Karina Bharne, Executive Director of Symphony Tacoma and MAM alum. The trio discuss the shift, both short-term and long-term, of the orchestral landscape due to Covid-19, DEAI, and the permanence of technology in the concert hall.