
Digital Streaming For Arts Organizations: Who it continues to serve

Digital Streaming For Arts Organizations: Who it continues to serve

In this episode of our Let’s Talk podcast, host Maraika Lumholdt talks with B Crittenden, Manager of Corporate Support at the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, about how live streaming changed the arts world during the COVID-19 lockdowns, and how it continues to serve audiences despite the return to in-person programming.

Broadway Marketing and Audience Engagement with Quincy Brown

Broadway Marketing and Audience Engagement with Quincy Brown

Victoria is joined by Quincy Brown, a Social Media Associate at RPM, a full-service advertising agency for several Broadway musicals, to discuss marketing for theater and arts organizations. Conversations touched on how to usher the audience back to the arts post-covid, the viability of live streaming for the arts, the best social media platforms to grow engagement, and how to foster a sense of community through digital marketing.

The Future Role of Tech in the Administration and Curation of Museum Spaces

The Future Role of Tech in the Administration and Curation of Museum Spaces

Victoria is joined by Dr. Heng Wu, Curator of Asian art at the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria and Nick Pozek, Assistant Director at the Parker School of Foreign and Comparative Law at Columbia University to talk about the place of technology in the administrative and curatorial roles of art museums. Conversations touch on what it is like to work from home in a position that has a more physical necessity in the museum space, the place for virtual museum experiences post-covid and other pandemic-related challenges, as well as the more prominent entrance of edutainment in the artistic sphere.

Karina Bharne: Orchestras in the Age of Covid, Technology, and True Commitment to DEAI

Karina Bharne: Orchestras in the Age of Covid, Technology, and True Commitment to DEAI

In this episode, Victoria and Liz are joined by Karina Bharne, Executive Director of Symphony Tacoma and MAM alum. The trio discuss the shift, both short-term and long-term, of the orchestral landscape due to Covid-19, DEAI, and the permanence of technology in the concert hall.