education technology — Podcasts & Interviews — AMT Lab @ CMU

education technology

The Future Role of Tech in the Administration and Curation of Museum Spaces

The Future Role of Tech in the Administration and Curation of Museum Spaces

Victoria is joined by Dr. Heng Wu, Curator of Asian art at the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria and Nick Pozek, Assistant Director at the Parker School of Foreign and Comparative Law at Columbia University to talk about the place of technology in the administrative and curatorial roles of art museums. Conversations touch on what it is like to work from home in a position that has a more physical necessity in the museum space, the place for virtual museum experiences post-covid and other pandemic-related challenges, as well as the more prominent entrance of edutainment in the artistic sphere.

Technology Integration in Arts Education

Technology Integration in Arts Education

In this interview episode Margo Cunningham and Amelia Henderson sit down to discuss the research on STEAM education, the history of classroom tech, tech adoption in the arts classroom, and the promotion of classroom tech in response to COVID-19.

Podcast: Technology’s Role in Inclusivity and Accessibility In The Arts

Podcast: Technology’s Role in Inclusivity and Accessibility In The Arts

Art should be for everyone. For this week's Podcast Series, Danielle Linzer of The Andy Warhol Museum joins AMT Lab to discuss the importance of inclusion in the arts, and what technology can do to aid in inclusive programming's implementation, outreach and marketing efforts.