chatbots — Current — AMT Lab @ CMU


Mobile AR Avatar Chatbots: Exploring the Evolving AI and AR Combination

Mobile AR Avatar Chatbots: Exploring the Evolving AI and AR Combination

Cultural organizations consistently question how to connect the public to information in meaningful ways. As an emerging technology, mobile AR avatar chatbots combine AI and AR capabilities to create interactive and engaging tools for visitors. Examples of mobile AR avatar chatbots in cultural organizations can provide guidance for applying these evolving technologies.

A general look on Artificial Intelligence used in Museum Audience Engagement

A general look on Artificial Intelligence used in Museum Audience Engagement

Recently, museums are utilizing Artificial Intelligence Technology to engage audiences and personalize visitor experiences. Before doing any further research, it is important to understand what the AI technologies are that are used for audience engagement. How are they implemented into museums? And are there any challenges or problems?

Artifical Intelligence and Audience Engagement for the Performing Arts

Artifical Intelligence and Audience Engagement for the Performing Arts

As time goes on, it’s clear that artificial intelligence will continue to find its place in the arts. Using AI to build connections with audiences, in particular, is an interesting and developing sector of arts and technology. The performing arts are primed for a technology jumpstart and a reassessment of audience engagement tactics. Now, more than ever, the opportunities for the integration of artificial intelligence and audience engagement in the performing arts are ripe for exploration.