Salesforce — Podcasts & Interviews — AMT Lab @ CMU


Podcast: In the News on Data Analytics, YouTube, and Augmented Reality

Podcast: In the News on Data Analytics, YouTube, and Augmented Reality

In this first installment of In the News AMT-Lab Podcast Producer and Technology Innovative Content Manager, discuss three trending stories in the field of arts and tech. This week’s discussion topics include the future of data analytics software, changes to YouTube’s ad behavior, and Apple’s augmented reality art.

Podcast Episode #73 - Overview of PatronManager CRM with Gene Carr

PatronManagerCRMIn this episode of Technology in the Arts, Brad interviews Eugene Carr, President of Patron Technology, about the recent launch of PatronManager CRM - "an all-in-one system that manages and integrates all [of an] organization's operations: ticketing, donations, correspondence, e-mail, and calendar."  The conversation reveals Patron Technology's inspiration for pursuing the development of a customer relationship management system customized for arts organizations.  What benefits will it provide?  Can small arts organizations afford it?