MR — Current — AMT Lab @ CMU


How Immersive Experiences Play a Role in the Fashion Industry

How Immersive Experiences Play a Role in the Fashion Industry

Our world is becoming increasingly digital - in the past year, the metaverse and NFTs have become household buzzwords, causing a massive “gold rush” into developing cutting-edge innovation surrounding immersive experiences. This article primarily focuses on the use of AR in the fashion industry and how more established, traditional brands are embracing this immersive technology in comparison to those born in the Web3 era.

What is MR and How Does it Create Exceptionally Immersive Experiences?

What is MR and How Does it Create Exceptionally Immersive Experiences?

MR, or Mixed Reality, is appearing across the arts world, but its actual meaning is not well understood. A strong beginning includes a foundational understanding of the concepts of reality and virtuality. The future application of MR technology is unlimited, increasing the possibility of creating experiences that reflect what is seen in sci-fi films. While many practitioners believe that MR is the future, the technology lacks popularity in the consumer market. However, with the continuous development of MR technology, more cost-effective solutions will be found, and the future of a truly immersive experience will come.