Integrating Social Media Data Into CRM Systems: Using Your CRM To Its Full Potential — AMT Lab @ CMU

Integrating Social Media Data Into CRM Systems: Using Your CRM To Its Full Potential

Arts organizations, especially nonprofits, usually have a limited budget for operational expenses limiting their resources for data collection. Social media’s online dominance means that there is a significant amount of data available on constituents that may not be utilized to its full capacity. Future marketers should rely on a more comprehensive understanding of their customers and the data collected in their CRM system, and social media may be one of the largest data sources out there.

This white paper explores the importance of integrating social media data into an organization’s CRM to improve Customer Knowledge Management (CKM). By increasing the information collected, CRMs can be more effective, leading to greater efficiency and productivity. Learn how arts organizations can gather more data to better understand their customers by integrating social media into a CRM system.

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