The Data Divide: Small NPOs have Different Needs — AMT Lab @ CMU

The Data Divide: Small NPOs have Different Needs

In 2015, AMT Lab conducted a survey into what arts nonprofits wanted to see in their ticketing software. Since then, the technological needs of smaller nonprofit organizations have grown and changed in many ways. Fortunately, CRM systems have also kept up with these needs.

CRM systems can be powerful tools that allow an organization to manage and cultivate patrons efficiently. Small nonprofits, however, sometimes struggle because they cannot afford the best systems. They must find a way to spend money wisely by prioritizing certain features of CRM systems. In February of this year, NTEN came out with their Consumer’s Guide to Low Cost Donor Management Systems. The infographic below details some of the needs cited in the 2015 AMT Lab report, as well as some CRMs identified as being good at filling those needs according to NTEN.

Interactive Post V2- NPO Data Needs.png