Current — AMT Lab @ CMU

Michelle Cheng

What Can We Learn? Part 3: Charity: water

What Can We Learn? Part 3: Charity: water

So far in this series, we've examined some of the strategies that non-arts nonprofits are using to engage and promote participation among their constituents, as well as their implications for success in the arts. To wrap up, we'll look at Charity: water, a nonprofit that aims to bring clean and safe drinking water to the 800 million people in developing nations who do not have access to it yet. Charity: water operates with a distinctive funding model: 100 percent of public contributions are used to directly fund mission-based projects, while operating costs are funded by other sources such as foundations and private donors.

What Can We Learn? Part 2: Public Radio

What Can We Learn? Part 2: Public Radio

A while back we examined some of the creative ways in which the Nature Conservancy uses its web presence to promote engagement with its constituents. The arts and our public radio comrades have much in common with regard to audience development and engagement challenges. In the spirit of pledge drive season, we'll take a look at what regional public radio institutions are doing online to create a stronger sense of community and participation, even without the benefit of a physical space.

What Can We Learn? Part 1: The Nature Conservancy

What Can We Learn? Part 1: The Nature Conservancy

In the arts, it's only natural to look to peer organizations in our field for gathering new ideas and benchmarking our success. However, there are countless technology and engagement lessons we can learn from institutions unrelated to the not-for-profit arts sector. Over the next few weeks, we'll be looking at creative web engagement strategies used by such institutions that can serve as inspiration for the arts industry.

So You Want to Be a Mobile Optimization Star?: 4 Lessons from the Kennedy Center

So You Want to Be a Mobile Optimization Star?: 4 Lessons from the Kennedy Center

Focusing your resources on a great mobile website can often be a more cost-effective route than creating an app.  The Kennedy Center demonstrates the full potential of a mobile-optimized website with an efficient interface designed with patron usability in mind.  As long as mobile tech remains a relatively new outlet for reaching our constituents, there are countless things we can learn from their example, but here are 4 to get you started:

To App or Not to App: That is the Question

To App or Not to App: That is the Question

Arts marketing and communications blogger Marc van Bree (aka Dutch Perspective) proposes that apps may not always be an ideal mobile option for arts organizations.  Studies comparing web browsing and mobile apps are inconclusive regarding projected user popularity in coming years, leaving organizations with multiple possibilities for cultivating their mobile presence.