network mapping — Current — AMT Lab @ CMU

network mapping

Observing Relationships Between Producers and Fandom through Digital Mapping: Part 3

Observing Relationships Between Producers and Fandom through Digital Mapping: Part 3

With the emergence of digital fan engagement, fan codes and traits that were once hidden to content makers are now able to be studied on an individual and collective scale through scraping and network mapping. This paper explores how to access information in order to understand fan behavior and the best ways to cultivate fan/producer relationships. While this study focuses on film and television, this information can be used to map digital conversations and communities surrounding all artistic mediums.

Mapping Movement: Network Mapping in the Dance Industry: Part 2

Mapping Movement: Network Mapping in the Dance Industry: Part 2

How well do you know the history of your industry? Could you list every branch, every individual, that helped to develop your industry into the complex and beautiful thing it is today? If you asked someone who works in the arts to craft such an image or list, they’d probably be able to give you a significant list of names. Yet, the truth is, a single individual’s list can’t provide the entire picture, just their perception of what the tree looks like.