education technology — Current — AMT Lab @ CMU

education technology

Digital Strategy: Not Optional Anymore

Digital Strategy: Not Optional Anymore

Digital strategy has become a buzzword after the explosion of AI in the last 18 months. Yet, it is not about AI. AI has been the tipping point for organizations and professionals to recognize that they must update or create a digital strategy for success. Digitally-forward arts organizations already have a digital component as part of their strategic plan. Read more to understand the need for technology to be a core component of strategic plans and operations.

How Art and Technology Can Work Together to Facilitate Healing

How Art and Technology Can Work Together to Facilitate Healing

When it comes to the widely discussed topic of mental health, the arts have proven to play a significant role in healing. In fact, artists and scientists have been researching impacts of art on the brain and body for nearly 75 years. The founding hypothesis in art therapy research emerged from the projects of two women curious about how art could help the severely ill, but extensions of their work continue to grow. Like much in our lives, art therapy research is now increasingly embracing immersive technology.

Technology in the K-12 Art Room; Why, Where, and How to Make It Happen

Technology in the K-12 Art Room; Why, Where, and How to Make It Happen

During this time of remote living the changing education landscape, and in turn the arts education landscape, seems turbulent with only one constant: technology. This article will discuss the holistic necessity of tech implementation in arts education; Why, Where, and How in the time of COVID-19.

STEAM Education and the Lego Model

STEAM Education and the Lego Model

In recent years, there has been a shift to an argument for STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math), for the inclusion of the arts as one of the subjects that need to be focused on. In fact, the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) includes the arts and music as part of a “well-rounded education,” which are eligible for receiving funding from the government. Changes in legislation have led to a push for wider adoption of this framework for education, but some educators feel that they do not have the training necessary to implement these new practices. Companies like LEGO Education are creating models and projects that make integrating arts and creativity with STEM practices easy in the classroom.

Using Technology to Assess Students in Music Education Programs

Using Technology to Assess Students in Music Education Programs

There are many ways that technology can aid in assessing students’ progress, for both the teacher and the student. One such application of technology in both the private or group music lesson is drill and practice software, which can “provide a more persistent learning since it allows a drill and practice at desired level and desired amount” (Nart 80).

Image Source: (Linden 535)