Roving arts management reporter, reporting for duty! I’m taking a brief break from my summer gig at Wolf Trap Opera Company to resume my TitA duties and re-cap the delights of the Opera America Conference this week in Los Angeles. Conferences are great places to exchange ideas. I always come away with a list of things to check out. Here are a few great free tools on my list:
-—Simple online file sharing. Can be used instead of a share drive, OR as a way to upload your season brochure for easy patron download.
- social PR platform—Make fuss-free digital press releases with easy links to multimedia. No coding, no WYSIWYG editor screwing up what would otherwise be a reasonable task.
- Does a slogan like “serious analytics for social relationships” take the fun out of Twitter? No way! Track your impact through hard data, not just anecdotal evidence.
- polls that audience members can answer via SMS text messages, Twitter, or the web. Some great advanced features for a little extra money, too!
[And I won’t assume you don’t know about If you’re not offering people who check in (or your “mayors”) something cool, look into it.]
And I must mention one that is not free (but cheap): is ideal for setting up campaigns, coupons, and sweepstakes. Great way to capture data on your patrons.
Also, this is pretty sexy:
Look for conference interviews by yours truly coming up on future Technology in the Arts podcasts!
Thanks to Ceci Dadisman and Palm Beach Opera for many of these sites!