
What's On Your Phone, Dek Ingraham?

What's On Your Phone, Dek Ingraham?

Dek Ingraham is the Technology Projects Specialist at the Greater Pittsburgh Arts Council (GPAC). GPAC is the leading voice for arts and culture across the Greater Pittsburgh region, driving the political, financial, and professional support for the sector. AMT Lab contributor Anna Okuda asked Dek about apps on his phone including ones he suggests for arts managers.

Jami Rutherford - How technology plays a key role in Arts Management

Jami Rutherford - How technology plays a key role in Arts Management

Jami Rutherford is a project manager with Cloud for Good, a Salesforce Consulting Partner and Certified B Corporation that helps nonprofits advance their mission via the Salesforce platform. Jami recently sat down with AMT Lab contributor Katie Grennan to discuss how she has seen technology impact the arts industry and what she feels the future holds for the increasing intersection points between the two.