new blood — Current — AMT Lab @ CMU

new blood

TITA's Back With New Blood

"Boxhead Mea Culpa" from Mr. Boxhead on Flickr.comOkay, okay...I have to start by apologizing.  Brad transitioned into his new position at the end of January, and Technology in the Arts went silent for many weeks. What happened?  I think if we are honest with ourselves, then we have to admit that we had come to rely on Brad to carry the social media torch for TITA - blogging, podcasting, Twitter, Facebook, etc.  During his transition, many of his responsibilities were re-distributed to other staff members (oh, the joys of a hiring freeze) - but the social media fell by the wayside.

No more!  We're back, and we've brought new blood with us. Starting tomorrow, Social Media Assistant Thomas Vannatter will be coming at you twice a week with bloggy insights. Apparently, he has a major hate-on for Twitter, so this could get interesting!

Thomas will also be working with us to manage and refine our content strategies for the various social media tools we use. We will be working through questions like:

  • Should we be discussing/sharing different content on our Facebook Page than we do with our LinkedIn Group?  If so, what factors should influence the decision regarding where to share which types of content?
  • If we share an RSS feed that grabs the best articles on the net regarding technology in the arts, then what content should we be sharing through our Twitter feeds?
  • How should the social media strategies for service organizations differ from producing, presenting and other types of arts organizations?

So over the next two months, you will see a new, evolving strategy for Technology in the Arts.  Please, let us know what you think as we move forward.

By the way, Brad is not dead to us.  He and Jason Hansen will continue to produce the Technology in the Arts podcast on a monthly basis - so stay tuned!