covid — Current — AMT Lab @ CMU


Virtual Music Collaboration Tools: The Alteration of Rehearsal and Performance Spaces Post-Pandemic

Virtual Music Collaboration Tools: The Alteration of Rehearsal and Performance Spaces Post-Pandemic

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many who had the option began to work from home or work remotely as a safety precaution. Apollo Technical conducted a survey which suggests that in May 2020, over 26% of employed individuals worked from home. Over the course of the pandemic, that number increased to about 70%. Technology is capable of incredible things, making this remote work possible without the presence of an office or communal workplace. For musicians however, this is a different story.

Open Access and Why it Matters in the Museum Space

Open Access and Why it Matters in the Museum Space

Amidst Covid-19, many museums moved to sharing collections and exhibitions virtually. However, even before Covid, museums began sharing their collections in a virtual, accessible manner with Open Access. It is estimated that nearly 1,000 cultural heritage institutions world-wide have published some or all of their collections with Open Access usage. While Open Access exists in other industries, such as in libraries, this article focuses on the context of Open Access in the museum space.