digital collaboration — Current — AMT Lab @ CMU

digital collaboration

Virtual Music Collaboration Tools: The Alteration of Rehearsal and Performance Spaces Post-Pandemic

Virtual Music Collaboration Tools: The Alteration of Rehearsal and Performance Spaces Post-Pandemic

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many who had the option began to work from home or work remotely as a safety precaution. Apollo Technical conducted a survey which suggests that in May 2020, over 26% of employed individuals worked from home. Over the course of the pandemic, that number increased to about 70%. Technology is capable of incredible things, making this remote work possible without the presence of an office or communal workplace. For musicians however, this is a different story.

Theatre Collaboration Technology: A Blue Ocean to Explore

Theatre Collaboration Technology: A Blue Ocean to Explore

Theatre production collaboration has long been an analog, face-to-face process. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit in 2020, many theaters moved to innovative, online production models. Without the ability to meet in person, the meta processes of production had to shift online too, and theaters were forced to contend with a new landscape of production possibilities. Now that theaters have proven that they can produce in digital formats, what would happen if they approached opportunities for digital collaboration with intention and care?