Supporting Equity in Tech and the Arts — AMT Lab @ CMU

Supporting Equity in Tech and the Arts

Dear Readers,

As our country comes face to face with its long-lasting racial and social injustices, it is important to consider how long term, institutional change can be made. The arts and technology sectors have a role and responsibility for both deconstructing existing systemic racism and the responsibility of providing equal access. Inequalities of access to technology have been exacerbated during Covid-19, as discussed in our recent article: The Present & Future of Arts Organizations, Technology, and the Pandemic, and further demonstrated by data analyzed by the Pew Research Center. Furthermore, the dismantling of net neutrality will exacerbate equitable accessibility. We believe net neutrality is required for equality in our 21st century world.

We at AMT Lab are committed to doing better. We value knowledge and research and their power to create change. We will continue and expand our research and publications that bring to light the technology-based injustices that persist in our industries. We will highlight best practices for moving forward. We will hold ourselves accountable to raising voices otherwise silenced. If you are wondering how systemic racial prejudice persists in arts & technology, consider reading this 3-part series that explores the lack of gender & ethnic diversity in the video game industry.

Peace and be well,
Dr. Brett Ashley Crawford, Publisher/ED
Lydia Kilian, Chief Editor