VR Opportunities — AMT Lab @ CMU

VR Opportunities

Source: Atlantis Virtual Reality (labeled for noncommercial reuse)

Source: Atlantis Virtual Reality (labeled for noncommercial reuse)

In recent years, AMT Lab contributors have explored how virtual technology is transforming the arts. If you missed it, in 2016, Yasmin Foqahaa wrote about three different museums around the world that used VR technology to enhance audience engagement. The VR sector of technology is constantly evolving, and if you type virtual reality in your search engine, you will find dozens of articles about it published last week alone. Virtual reality is clearly a hot trend.

This white paper explains how arts managers can use videos to show and promote the use of VR. By doing so, they have the opportunity of attracting broader and younger audiences.

Has your arts organization used VR technology recently? If so, tell us about it!