White Paper Wednesday: Cleveland Museum of Art's Gallery One — AMT Lab @ CMU

White Paper Wednesday: Cleveland Museum of Art's Gallery One

How do different types of museum visitors engage with an institution's collections? And how might technology allow museums to engage a broad array of different visitors?

To answer these questions, AMT-Lab is taking a look back at Sarah Murphy's 2015 publication, Gallery One at the Cleveland Museum of Art: Connecting Audiences to Art through Technology. This white paper begins with an over view of WolfBrown's framework of understanding visitor experience, the Arc of Engagement. Murphy also discusses the basic Audience Typologies which museum visitors fall into.

Murphy then pivots from the theoretical to real world applications with a thorough examination of how the Cleveland Museum of Art engages various Audience Typologies through its groundbreaking Gallery One, a permanent installation. The result is a fascinating and complete look at how museum technologists are adapting their approaches to meet contemporary audiences where they are. This publication is a great introduction to all museum practitioners who might be wondering how they can engage their audiences through the use of technology.


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