The sudden closure of performance hall doors in March 2020 forced orchestras to rethink the meaning of staying connected with their community. In an instant, all classical music organizations became media production organizations — otherwise, they ran the risk of entirely losing touch with their audiences. The pandemic, which accelerated many long overdue innovations in the orchestral world, provided a not-so-gentle push to those who treated digital media as an afterthought to the sacred pillar of live performance. The discoveries made during this last year and a half has challenged orchestras in their method of artistic production. Throughline serves as an exemplary model of what can be accomplished when orchestras use the digital world in a meaningful and intentional way.
10 Truths From Boot Camp to Spark Your Digital Revolution
Timeline Art Museum App: A step Towards a Digital Museum?
Timeline Art Museum is a 2012 app that provides a visual chronology of Western European art by using multi-touch technology to bring classic works of art to life through its accessible digital format. Is this app ultimately a well-conceived timeline or an interactive digital museum? Read the review here.