software development — Podcasts & Interviews — AMT Lab @ CMU

software development

The Art && Code Series - Wrap Up Show: Behind the Scenes

The Art && Code Series - Wrap Up Show: Behind the Scenes

Get a behind the scenes look at the Art && Code podcast series. In this wrap-up episode, AMT Lab’s Podcast Producer Jabrenee Hussie, Social Media and Marketing Coordinator Ashley Offman, and Lead Researcher Hannah Brainard discuss key takeaways from the series. They look back at some of their favorite interview moments, from ethics of artificial intelligence as an artistic tool to the social scene of live-coding. 

Meet the Creators of SudoMagic: Zoe Sandoval & Matthew Ragan

Meet the Creators of SudoMagic: Zoe Sandoval & Matthew Ragan

For our very first episode of the Art&&Code podcast series AMT Lead Researcher, Hannah Brainard, talks with Zoey Sandoval and Matthew Ragan, the creators of SudoMagic, a design and software development studio, which focuses on immersive experiences. While artificial intelligence and machine learning have been tools in their artistic practice, Sandvol and Ragan offer predictions and ethical concerns around how these models may be trained and implemented in the future. This podcast was made in partnership with the Frank Ratchye Studio for Creative Inquiry.

Emerging App and Tech Trends: An Interview with Savvior

Likening themselves to a special forces team, Pittsburgh-based application engineering company Savvior specializes in optimizing a company's existing software systems and custom-developing both web and mobile products. Recently, I had the opportunity to sit down with Keith Giuliani, Savvior's CEO, and Christopher Evans, the company's Vice President, to discuss some of the challenges they see organizations face, trends they see in the field, and an upcoming custom application they are currently developing for the Carnegie Science Center.