beacon — Current — AMT Lab @ CMU


5 Technologies with the Potential to Enhance Museum Experience

5 Technologies with the Potential to Enhance Museum Experience

As new technologies emerge in the market, museums are able to enhance visitor experiences through innovative tools, allowing for increased accessibility and interaction with the visitors.

Here are five exciting technologies that are upending traditional notions at many museums across the world, and changing the way museums can present their exhibitions and in-gallery experiences.

New Infographic: Beacons for Performing Arts Managers

New Infographic: Beacons for Performing Arts Managers

Are you curious about beacon technology? Perhaps you're wondering how you should go about choosing a beacon hardware provider. Or maybe you are considering how you would use this technology in your performing arts organization. AMT Lab Contributor Kate Martin has created an infographic to get you started answering these questions. 

Intro to Beacons for Arts Managers

Intro to Beacons for Arts Managers

Connecting the real and digital worlds, beacons will prove to be excellent pieces not only for marketing and general propaganda about your specific location, but as informational tools in your local museum or performing arts company. Beacons focus on the consumer, the integral part to any organization regardless of industry. So far, beacons are most common in the retail world, but they can easily be transferable into other industries, like the arts. That’s why you’re here today. Beacons could transform your organization, and I’m here to navigate you through this process in an understandable way.