News Roundup: March — AMT Lab @ CMU

News Roundup: March


March was a month packed full of interesting news in the arts and technology world! Check out some of our favorite stories in this month's news roundup.


The Only App You Need for Work-Life Productivity

In a sea of Productivity Apps and software there are hundreds of viable options for managing your work-life balance. This article by the Wall Street Journal examines Notion, a new challenger in the arena of apps which are both vying for your attention and making sure your attention is focused on the right task.

From productivity to creativity, here are two new apps from Google. Art Palette has users select a grouping of colors and then presents artworks based upon them. LIFE TAGS provides a catalog of images from Life Magazine of the past half-century and is an interesting exercise in machine learning. Check out both app and this article.

Two New Art Apps from Google: Both are Neat

An Eye Towards the Future


This adventurous article examines the future of artificial intelligence in society. This long-looking piece details how AI may affect many aspects of our daily lives. The tone sits between optimistic and dystopian. Check it out here:

What Will Our Society Look Like When Artificial Intelligence is Everywhere?

As artists and institutions begin to experiment with incorporating AI and machine learning into creative processes, Adobe sees opportunities for the field to blossom. This article teases several of their software suites and the possibilities for artistic ingenuity.

Adobe bets that AI Tools can Foster Real Creativity


In the old days, famous actors were immortalized on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Looking to the future, rendering technologies will make it possible for your favorite stars to appear in new films long after their deaths. This article explains how the new Blade Runner film was able to incorporate an actor as she was in the original 1980’s film. This is not the first time a film has recreated a celebrity likeness through animation.

In the Future Movie Stars may be Performing Even After They are Dead


Two artists have painstakingly recreated famous historical landmarks are reconstructed them in a series of eye-catching gifs. Check out this labor of love here:

Ancient Ruin Reconstructed with Architectural GIFs

Virtual Reality experiences are quickly becoming refined and accessible. As more of us start to take part in VR experiences what are some of the physical and psychological effects that may befall us? This article examines the side effects of VR on our bodies and minds and what you should do to combat them.

Here's What Happens to Your Body When You've Been in Virtual Reality for Too Long

Machine Learning...Sort Of

Last on our March news Roundup, AI and Machine Learning can develop complex calculations and solutions to the largest of human problems, but what happens when you ask one to knit? The results are both hilarious and intriguing.

SkyKnit: How an AI Took Over an Adult Knitting Community

That's it for this month's news roundup. Stay tuned to our page for the latest in arts and tech news. Have a story you think is interesting? Share it with us in the comments below!