What's On Your Phone, Linnéa Mellander? — AMT Lab @ CMU

What's On Your Phone, Linnéa Mellander?

Linnéa Mellander is the Technology and Operations Administrator at NEW INC. She is responsible for day-to-day operations, equipment training, and assists in the production of public events such as the Public Beta showcase and Demo Day. NEW INC is the first museum-led incubator for art, design, and technology, and hosts around 100 creative practitioners. AMT Lab Contributor Sophie Auffret sat down with Linnea to chat about her favorite phone apps.

SA: What are the apps you use every day and why do you like them?

LM: Spotify is definitely my number one since that is where all of my music is.  Living in New York, there is a lot of walking and sitting on the subway, so music is essential. 

Sleep Cycle makes me feel like a nice dream woke me up. It is a great way to wake up, but unfortunately it doesn’t stop me from snoozing. 

TwoDots! This game and I go way back. Perfect for a light distraction while waiting for the train and before pulling out a book. 

I also use Skype a lot, mostly to keep in touch with my family and friends in Europe.

SA: Is there an app that surprised you with its usefulness?

LM: I have to admit, GoogleMaps is extremely helpful. I know many people are skeptical but I am a believer. Maybe it is not surprising, but my dependency on the app kind of is.  

SA: If you could recommend one app to arts managers, what would it be?

LM: I like Slack. It’s an easy and familiar way of communicating, especially when working on a team and/or as a part of a community. It is a quick and easy way to send a question, ask for a favor, or announce an event. And the fact that Giphy can be integrated makes it possible to express feelings that just cannot be put in words, and it usually turns out really funny. 

SA: Is there an app you think developers should be working on?

LM: Going off on my last point, I would like to have a messaging tool or add-on for people in the creative field based on location: one that requires invitation but is not too exclusive; a place where you can post when you need a skill or if you have an opening and event for people in the same industry or arts community. It would create a bridge between different alumni groups, art institutions, and different types of practices. Maybe this already exists, but I haven’t seen anything like it.