#TBT: An Organizational Guide for Adjusting to New Technology — AMT Lab @ CMU

#TBT: An Organizational Guide for Adjusting to New Technology

While many idealize the implementation of technology into organizational practices, those who have attempted to do so know firsthand that there are many challenges involved--many of which have less to do with the technology itself, and more to do with the human process of adjusting to it.  Over the years, several AMT Lab articles have covered different aspects of this adjustment, and today’s throwback gathers them together to create a handy organizational guide to adjusting to technology.

Feel free to share your own tips and advice on this process in the comments section below!

Interview With Trudi McCanna: Better Problem Solving Through Technology by Stewart Urist

This podcast from summer 2014 interviews Trudi McCanna, Head of Executive Development at Google and alumna of Carnegie Mellon’s Masters of Arts Management program.  In it, she frames organizational issues into two categories: technical problems and adaptive challenges.  She warns against mistaking one problem for another, and discusses how to distinguish them.

The Importance Of Change Management by Erin Wagner

This article talks about the challenges that come after software has been selected, such as changes in organizational workflow or culture.  This article talks about the importance of handling these changes and methods to smooth these over with your employees.

Innovation Trauma—What It Is And Why Arts Organizations Should Care by Deb Sherrer

This article introduces the idea of “innovation trauma”--a kind of trauma that happens after an organization attempts to do something innovative, but the idea or product fails.  This trauma causes stagnation and an organizational fear of trying new things.  This article talks about breaking the cycle and preventing this trauma from setting in one’s organization.

Planning For When Things Fail by Andre Bouchard

This 2012 article addresses ways to avoid failures and traumas from technology implementation.  Risk assessment, meaningful research, and utilization of educational resources were some of the options this article explores in detail.

Hype Cycle For Emerging Technologies: Distinguishing The Hype From The Viable by Elizabeth Quaglieri

This article describes something called a “Hype Cycle”, and can be best summarized with a direct quote: “When new technologies make bold promises, how do you discern the hype from what’s commercially viable? And when will such claims pay off, if at all? Gartner Hype Cycles provide a graphic representation of the maturity and adoption of technologies and applications, and how they are potentially relevant to solving real business problems and exploiting new opportunities.”

Adapting to Changes in Technology by Andre Bouchard

New tech doesn’t just get implemented once--to be successful, organizations need to be continuously aware of necessary updates and upgrades as they come.  But how does an organization know when to do that, and what to do when it happens?  Defining success, conversations with individuals and groups, and being aware of new needs as they arise are some of the tips that this article explores.