Where We Are and Where We've Been - Annual Report — AMT Lab @ CMU

Where We Are and Where We've Been - Annual Report

It has been almost a full year since I joined Technology in the Arts, thanks to the Master of Arts Management program at Carnegie Mellon University. As we enter another school year and prepare for a new group of research associates, we’ve got a look back at the past year. Research Associate Terry Boyd prepared this Annual Report with our highlights, summaries, and where we have room to improve.

If you're a fan of metrics, be sure to check out the report. Here are some of my favorites:


  • Staff size! We added 5 authors last year!
  • Page views jumped by 63%
  • Visitor total increased by 78%
Social Media
  • Even though our Facebook page is only 2 years old, Facebook is our largest traffic source
  • Over 7,000 clicks from Facebook posts led to our blog posts last year.
  • Our Twitter account saw an increase of followers by 28%

There's plenty of room for improvement (always!) and we hope readers will join us in the next year! We also have a friendly, non-flash version of the report here.