Three “How to…” Lists, One MuseumNext Conference, and a Letter to Museum Directors on Why Museum Websites Fail — AMT Lab @ CMU

Three “How to…” Lists, One MuseumNext Conference, and a Letter to Museum Directors on Why Museum Websites Fail

The Guardian’s Culture Professionals Network reveals some of the best advice, best practices, and best tips from the arts management community.

1) 18 tips for managing your arts and heritage staff

2) How to recognize, prevent and deal with burnout in a creative job

3) 10 social media tips for arts organizations

And now, the international museum conference you must register for early! MuseumNext is Europe’s conference on social and digital media for the museum sector. For the third year in a row, registration to MuseumNext reached capacity long before the two-day conference rolled around this past May. Interested latecomers were placed on a waiting list.

What is the event about?

- Coverage of the hottest topics and technologies from the digital side of museums

- Packed schedule: keynotes, multi-track conference, workshops and more

- World class speakers and fresh perspectives from museums across the globe

- Unbeatable atmosphere: hundreds of museum geeks, networking and meet ups

- Great value: catering throughout the day, rewatch presentations online after the event and free high speed wifi.

This year’s conference was in Barcelona, Spain, with over 350 delegates from 34 countries across the globe. The topic of discussion: what’s next for museums? Speakers on this year's program included Nancy Proctor of the Smithsonian Institution (mobile strategy and revolutionary practices in museums), Tijana Tasich and Elena Villaespesa of the TATE (online metrics), Allegra Burnette of the MoMa (the Mobile Museum), and many other notable and forward-thinking figures in the museum world. To view videos of these lectures, visit MuseumNext's Facebook page.

The MuseumNext website is loaded with hot topics and insightful discussion in the arts management field. To get a feel for the scope of the content discussed, check out these articles:
