sci-fi — Current — AMT Lab @ CMU


Holograms: Where Physics & Art Collide

Holograms: Where Physics & Art Collide

“Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi. You’re my only hope.” The iconic opening scenes from the original Star Wars film, A New Hope, epitomize what we think of when we consider the word “hologram.” In the minds of science fiction fans everywhere, the hologram is a concept that evokes feelings of wonder at the possibilities for technological advances. Whether someone is a fan of science fiction or not, it can be agreed that holograms have had a distinct impact on the arts. Although they were not initially intended for anything other than scientific use, holograms made their way into the public’s imagination and conjured up ideas of the future of technological advances.

May the Fourth Be With You

As a special shout-out to fellow sci-fi fans in arts management, the staff at the Center for Arts Management and Technology bids you Happy Star Wars Day!  To celebrate this joyously geeky tradition, we used the always-fun, put-yourself-in-the-video tool JibJab to create a version of The Empire Strikes Back, of course.  Enjoy!

Featuring: David Dombrosky as Luke Skywalker Shryansh Mehta as Han Solo Melody Fleishauer as Princess Leia Josh Futrell as Lando Calrissian