contests — Current — AMT Lab @ CMU


October webinar - Making the Most of Your Facebook Page

devine-kittredge-registernowHow to Make the Most of Your Facebook PageTuesday, October 19, 2010 2:00pm-3:30pm Eastern Register today for $25 Presenters: Maryann Devine and Jacquelyn Kittredge

You've probably heard a lot about Facebook in the media this past year, and you may have a lot of unanswered questions. You may be hesitating taking the plunge, for a variety of reasons -- it takes too much time or loss of brand control, for example.

In this webinar, you'll learn:

  • Why you should consider creating a Facebook presence for your arts organization, even you've already got a great web site or blog, even if you're using other social media tools like Twitter.
  • Why it DOES make a difference whether you create a personal profile, a group, or a page on Facebook.
  • Why your organization may be invisible even to fans of your Facebook page, and what to do about it.
  • Why it's important to engage with your Facebook fans -- beyond the usual clichés about 'conversation' -- and how to do it.
  • What is a 'landing tab' and why it gives you an advantage.
  • How it's possible for even the smallest organizations to use Facebook applications like contests and advertising without breaking the bank.
  • Participants in this webinar will also receive $25 off registration for the online course "Facebook Contests for Arts Organizations."

    Maryann Devine is a teacher, blogger, and consultant who helps arts people and connect with their biggest fans. She was director of marketing and public relations at The Academy of Vocal Arts before starting her own company, smArts & Culture. There she has worked with arts organizations large and small, as well as individual artists, and created classes and e-courses especially for people in the arts who have little time to spare, but a passion to learn. She has taught audience development and technology courses for Drexel University's graduate program in arts administration.

    Facebook maven Jacquelyn Kittredge created her company, e-bakery, to help small businesses mix social media into their marketing strategies. A consultant with a checkered past, Jacquelyn has been a programmer, corporate trainer, user documentation specialist, middle school teacher, and fundraising organizer (as well as a gift-wrapper and surf-shop chick!). Her teaching and training experience helps her keep the technical information people-friendly and easy to learn. To that end, she recently created the online course, "Facebook Contests for Arts Organizations." Formerly the Director of Marketing and the Chief Evangelist for a healthcare start-up company,, Jacquelyn lives in Alexandria, Virginia with her husband, one dog and their three (wild) boys.