Ticket Bots, Data, and Video, Oh My - A New Year at AMT Lab — AMT Lab @ CMU

Ticket Bots, Data, and Video, Oh My - A New Year at AMT Lab

Greetings AMT Lab Readers!

We hope that you had a wonderful summer and are looking forward to all good things that come with the changing of the seasons. The AMT Lab staff certainly is – we have a lot of fascinating and useful research in the works for the coming year.

Some topics will continue to be researched and shared on our pages as they have in your worlds, for example, augmented reality, virtually reality and ticket bots. We also plan to delve deeply into how arts managers can leverage their data to make effective business decisions. We will add some hot-button issues to the mix such as video (both social and live streaming), robotics and automation, and social media questions that still continue to plague us as arts managers.

This year is a growth year for AMT Lab as we introduce and expand new interactive content including infographics, videos, podcasts and more. Our hope is that this change coupled with our classic mix of interviews, product reviews, white papers and more will give you a more versatile perspective of all things related to the arts management and technology field.

As you may have read, this year AMT Lab has 2 Chief Editors -- one focusing on research and one on interactive content. We are grateful for all the work Patrick Zakem completed in 2015-16 and look forward to providing you the cutting edge content you expect from AMT Lab. In case you’d like to read more about us, you can read below on our backgrounds.

We here at AMT Lab are ecstatic to welcome you to another year of forward thinking, innovative research. We’d love to hear from you as we continue to explore the intersection of technology and the arts. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter at @techinthearts, and chat with us in the comments section.

Katie Grennan, Chief Editor of Research

Katie graduated from the University of Notre Dame with a double major in Accounting and Psychology, and subsequently moved to Chicago to work as a management consultant within the healthcare space. Simultaneously, she became increasingly more immersed in the performing arts world as a professional fiddle player and music and dance instructor. After a busy past summer of working in a marketing role at EXPO CHICAGO as well as touring Japan with the Trinity Irish Dance Company, Katie is looking forward to helping a diverse set of arts organizations understand the power of analytics, social media best practices, and more through AMT Lab's research.

Jess Bergson, Chief Editor of Interactive Content

With a background in theatre production, Jess has witnessed the importance of technology in the arts first-hand. As a recent graduate of Carnegie Mellon’s School of Drama, Jess was exposed to arts leaders automating their work and artists integrating cutting edge technology, such as image mapping and virtual reality, into their pieces. After spending this past summer with Capacity Interactive, a digital marketing consulting firm for the arts, Jess is particularly passionate not only about how technology is impacting the way we engage and excite audiences, but also how we can use technology to measure success and make improvements to arts organizations’ practices.

See Katie and Jess' full bios here.



Katie Grennan, Chief Editor of Research







Jess Bergson, Chief Editor of Interactive Content



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