Summer Vacation Brings Back-to-School Changes — AMT Lab @ CMU

Summer Vacation Brings Back-to-School Changes


Summer is a time of relaxation and summer vacations. It often offers an opportunity for reflection and invention for the upcoming year. As you can see from our slow summer posting schedule, Technology in the Arts embraces and recommends taking a step back in the summer. Off-line we have spent our time reviewing and embracing strategic changes to meet the needs of our readers and writers. We looked back at last winter when we asked you, our readers, what information you require at this stage in the technology game. And we considered your answer: emerging technologies AND management solutions for now ubiquitous arts and patron technologies. Then we turned to the staff of Technology in the Arts, past and present, to identify the best new delivery model to meet your needs. Our solution? ARTS MANAGEMENT AND TECHNOLOGY LABORATORY. A platform that offers current technology case studies, a 'radio show - podcast' of technology struggles and solutions, online interviews of leaders in the field, management and technology white papers, and news updates from the industry. Arts Management and Technology Laboratory (AMT-Lab for short) will be launching in September with a more focused yet expanded operation, as well as a new look and url.  Until then, continue to enjoy your summer and stay tuned for some invigorating change.